Transform Naturally from Exhausted to Energized …
Functional Nutrition Solutions to heal your gut, balance your hormones, and reclaim your vibrance!

Transform Naturally from Exhausted to Energized …
Functional Nutrition Solutions to heal your gut, balance your hormones, and reclaim your vibrance!
Consider This: If you were no longer feeling worn out, bummed out, and out of whack, would you…
- Travel more and pursue hobbies
- Feel on top of your game at work and home
- Be more physically active
- Wake up refreshed with a positive mood
- Feel more confident and attractive
- Have less stress and more stamina
- Have solid digestion without uncomfortable IBS type symptoms
If you said yes to any of the above, you are in the right place.

Hi, I’m Ellen Syversen, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Functional Nutritionist. My passion is helping motivated woman banish fatigue and get their lives back ASAP. Using assessment tools and testing, we will dig deep to find the root causes of your health struggles with a step-by-step, customized plan that looks at your symptoms and what you know to be true about your body. I have been seeing clients for over 14 years with a focus on addressing digestive and hormonal imbalances, fatigue, and autoimmune conditions using a functional nutrition approach.
Learn More: Your path to wellness begins here.
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Please know, you are not alone. Low energy is a big problem.
The majority of my clients are struggling with fatigue to some degree. It is hard to make the necessary diet and lifestyle changes while feeling exhausted. It is frustrating to navigate the mounds of information to find a solution. It is depressing to miss fun events because you are too tired to get off the couch.

People are not getting the help they need.
Most of my clients feel stuck about what is going on with their bodies. Many have visited their health care provider but continue to feel frustrated as they were not given actionable steps to resolve their health concerns.
Root Causes:
There are many reasons that exhaustion is at epidemic levels.
- Lack of nutrient density in the Standard American Diet (SAD): This results in nutrient deficiencies which puts stress on all organs and systems that require specific nutrients to function optimally. Processed foods also contribute to toxicity in the body and blood sugar dysregulation.
- Lack of sleep: In our 24/7 society, people are burning the candle at both ends and not getting restorative sleep. When people are not getting adequate sleep, the system wide repair work that happens at night is not taking place and can negatively affect health over time.
- Stress levels: In our fast-paced, modern society unmanaged stress is at the root of many chronic health conditions. High stress can dysregulate blood sugar, promote inflammation, and imbalance hormones while keeping one in fight or flight mode.
- Inflammation: Inflammatory foods can derail your hormonal balance, causing brain fog, sleep issues, and general malaise while negatively affecting all aspects of health. Chronic inflammation is at the root of many health issues and has a variety of root causes.
- Digestive dysfunction: You could have the best diet in the world, but if your body is not breaking down, absorbing and assimilating nutrients, it is money down the drain. Many of my clients struggle with digestive issues such as IBS and SIBO as well as inflammatory conditions such as Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis.
- Autoimmune disease: Autoimmune conditions are on the rise especially in women and contribute to the epidemic of fatigue and inflammation. There are many root causes for autoimmune conditions, and the best approach is to test, assess, and address as early as possible.
- Toxicity: Toxins come in many forms including heavy metals, environmental chemicals, mold, and food additives which derail our system creating confusing and unpredictable symptoms. Our liver is a remarkably busy organ and participates in over five hundred biochemical processes. When our liver is overburdened with toxins, it is not able to attend to its many roles in the body.
- Mitochondrial dysfunction: Mitochondria have multiple functions from generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) to energy metabolism and ATP synthesis. Healthy mitochondria are crucial for optimal energy and vitality, and many of the factors listed above can create dysfunction which often results in feeling fatigued.
- Oxidative stress: Oxidative stress is basically rusting at the cellular level. Think of a slice of apple left out on the counter for a few hours that turns brown. When our body is under stress, it has a hard time keeping up with the production of antioxidants needed to combat oxidative stress and inflammation. Over time, this can manifest as brain fog, fatigue and memory loss.
- Blood sugar dysregulation: Never before in the history of mankind have we had such an emergency need to lower blood sugar. Not only do processed carbohydrates deplete our body’s reserves of minerals, vitamins and enzymes, but they create a state of blood sugar imbalance that can contribute to hypoglycemia, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes.
So, what is the solution?
One on one nutritional coaching to the rescue!
As a functional nutritionist, I have the tools, experience, and training to help you assess, address, and get to the other side of your concerns.
Working with me one on one means you will get loads of support and accountability as well as my focused attention. There are no cookie cutter plans. Your custom plan and protocol are based on your goals, symptoms, and the information we glean from labs. The plan is designed specifically for you alone.
Here’s how it works…

Free Discovery Call
We will have a 20-minute phone call where you can share your concerns and goals, learn about my philosophy and approach, and decide if it feels like a good fit.

90 Minute Initial Consultation
This is where we will take a deep dive into your food journal and health/wellness history. I want to get crystal clear on where you want to be at the end of your healing journey and learn about your struggles and goals. You will leave this appointment with some key things to work on immediately plus a comprehensive plan moving forward. If you decide to move forward, we will work together closely as a team.

Personalized Nutrition Program
Everyone wants a clear path moving forward, and this is what you will receive. I will break it down into a step-by-step plan, and you will understand exactly what we are doing and why. You will no longer be alone on your journey. My goal is to help you feel better in the shortest time possible.

Accountability and Support
I will be in your back pocket throughout this whole process. Resources, sample menus, guidance, and encouragement will only be a message away. I will set you up for success at all levels, and with me as your personal ally, you will get results if you are coachable and willing to make the necessary diet and lifestyle changes.
What is Nutritional
Nutritional therapy uses an assessment process to identify imbalances in body chemistry. These imbalances or nutritional deficiencies are corrected through diet, lifestyle changes and targeted nutrients.
Nutritional therapists do not diagnose or treat disease but work to correct imbalances with the goal of gently guiding individuals back on the path to health.
Optimal health is our birthright and nutrition is the root of good health! As we progress down the path of life, however, we often develop symptoms of ill health and feel a loss of vitality. Nutritional therapy can assist you with these health challenges by identifying imbalances to get at the root of your symptoms.

Imagine if you could get results like this…

Free Discovery Call
Book a free, 20-minute phone consultation now to get started on your path to health.